Year of the Dog 狗年大吉
恭喜恭喜 !Happy new year. As we welcome year of the dog, our classrooms are filled with excitement as they learnt all about Chinese new year....

Saturday 10am & 11am Teacher Elaine - Nature 大自然
Teacher Elaine is very happy to see all her little friends back today. She has been running of her feet in her classes exploring the...

Welcome to Term 1 2018 - Teacher Grace
Welcome back to term 1! We are very excited to see all the children back on board today. We kicked off the lesson with revision on our...

The Art of Tea Drinking
Continuing with our science theme this term, we talked about the many use of water. One of which is making tea. Tea drinking 喝茶 (Hē chá)...

This week in Toddler and Kindy Room
We learnt about our emotion by recocnising crying and laughing. The children has fun pulling faces and playing with the cry/laugh doll...

Friday Morning Class @ Mt Claremont
Hello parents, Hope you had a good start to the week. I hope the children have well and truly settled into their class. Teacher Vanessa...

Week 2 Toddler and Kindy Class
Hello parents, welcome to week 2! Trust you and your little ones enjoyed the lesson this week. There were certainly a lot of movements in...

Welcome Back To Term 4!
Our children are all well rested and ready for another term of new challenges ahead. We kick off first Monday back with our Early...

The Tiny Seed 小种子(xiǎo zhǒngzǐ)
Over the past week the children have embarked on a journey with Eric Carle's classic "The Tiny Seed 小种子 and discovered how flowers...

Saturday Class @10am Teacher Grace
In today's lesson we explored a few new characters 山 (mountain), 水(water),火(fire), 土(earth),木(wood),月(moon),日(sun),人(person). Find out...